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MEDIA/PR STRATEGY & EXECUTION "All The Things"  $4000/month 25 hours/month retainer

(6-month minimum)

All The Things (AOTT) allows us to share the workload while working together to create a plan to promote your business.  This is great for people who have a lot on the go and want a full plan while needing help with the heavy lifting.  (There’s a reason for the 6-month minimum.  To do it right, this process takes time.  We’ll be doing a lot of leg work before creating a plan and executing it, then we want time to adjust based on results.)

Service Includes:

- 1x90-minute visioning session

- 1x1hr monthly zoom 

- Bi-weekly progress reports/check-ins

- Website & social media audit

- Media & PR Strategy

- Limited media pitching

- Month-by-month plan

- Social media template creation

- B-roll footage collection

- Access to all Blueprint Resources

- 1on1 interview prep (if necessary)


MEDIA/PR STRATEGY & EXECUTION "Some of the Things" $1750/month 15 hours/month retainer  

(6-month minimum)

Some of the Things (SOTT) is for people with a limited budget and/or more bandwidth to do a lot of the work. Either way,  you're not on your own.  I'm here to offer guidance and suggestions.  (There’s a reason for the 6-month minimum.  To do it right, this process takes time.  We’ll be doing a lot of leg work before creating a plan and executing it, then we want time to adjust based on results.)

Service Includes:

- 1x90-minute visioning session

- 1x30-minute monthly zoom 

- Bi-weekly check-ins

- Website & social media audit

- Media & PR Strategy

- Guidance on pitching media yourself

- Month-by-month plan

- Access to all Blueprint Resources

- Social media template creation


Need an idea of where to start, or what your possibilities could be when you're ready?  We'll discuss where your priorities are and look at short and long term ideas for media attention and promoting your brand.

Service Includes:

1x90m call

- Access to all Blueprint Resources

MEDIA/PR DIY $1000/month 3-month minimum 5 hours/month retainer

"Can’t you just tell me everything I need to do and I’ll do it?"  Yes…..And, No. I can give you everything you need and send you on your way but you'll probably have some questions.  Why 3 months?  This allows me to keep an eye on what you’re doing and offer feedback when you get stuck.

Service Includes:

- 1x90-minute visioning session

- Basic website and social media audit

- Creation of 6-month strategy plan

- Access to all Blueprint Resources

- 1x60-minute Zoom to go over plan/audit results

- 1x30-minute Zoom in months 2 and 3

You might prefer one of my on-demand courses coming soon!  Sign up here to be the first to know when they are ready!

Website & Social Media Audit $580

Service Includes:

- Audit of your current website and social media channels.

- Report (with findings and strategy recommendation)

*Basic web design or re-design and/or social media channel set up available starting at an additional $999

Podcast & Videocast Audit.  From $599 (project dependent)

Service Includes:

- Audit of your podcast/videocast

- Report (with findings and strategy recommendation)

*Basic podcast production available.  Pricing depends on the project.  Book a call!

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